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The 2nd HPS Japan Program Seminar & workshop



March 1st, Saturday, 2008? From 1 pm to 4:30pm


University of Shizuoka Junior College

Host organization

HPS Japan Program in University of Shizuoka Junior College




HPS Japan office


The HPS Japan training project in University of Shizuoka Junior College has been granted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology since 2007.This project train HPS with professional skills to support and advocate sick children thanks to the partnership with Hospital Play Staff Education Trust and National Association of Hospital Play Staff.The curriculum of HPS Japan training course considers the history, culture and resources in Japan, not introducing everything from UK.

However, the Japanese hospitals, even nurses and nursery nurses, rarely understand the importance ofgplayshfor sick children.This project organizes seminars as well as training course to increase social recognition:play needs be provided to every child.The first HPS seminar will look at how to support and network every child for his/her well-being.



Opening Greeting
Masaru NishigakiiThe President of University of Shizuokaj


SeminargClini-clowns: support sick children for their feelingsh
NPO Clini-Clowns Japan Hiroko Ishi (the trainer of clini-clowns)


Symposium gLooking at the current situations and future development of Hospital Play for sick childrenh



Aichi Childrenfs Health and Medical Center Honorary director Dr. Masami Nagashima



Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, CLS Eriko Yamada
Board member of Medical Nursery Nurse Society Kazuko Yamamoto
National Association of Hospital Play Staff Chair Norma Jun-Tai



Chika Matsudaira




Workshop hPromoting Hospital Play in Japanh
National Association of Hospital Play Staff Chair Norma Jun-Tai
Stevenson College HPS Course Tutor Frances Barbour


Kunihiko Kawamura (Director of University of Shizuoka Junior College)

The questionnaire for the seminar & workshop

NPO Clini-Clowns Japan Hiroko Ishi (the trainer of clini-clowns)

gClini-clowns: support sick children for their feelingsh

  • Great! It is important to be with sick children for their feelings.
  • I would like clini-clowns to come to my hospital.
  • I hadnft heard about clini-clowns before but I learned that they take important roles for sick children and bring their smiles.
  • I learned the importance to listen to children for their feelings.
  • Her speech gave me a chance to reflect my work as a nursery nurse.

Symposium gLooking at the current situations and future development of Hospital Play for sick childrenh
Dr. Masami Nagashima DiscussionF

Aichi Childrenfs Health and Medical Center Honorary director
Dr. Masami Nagashima

Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, CLS Eriko Yamada
Board member of Medical Nursery Nurse Society Kazuko Yamamoto
National Association of Hospital Play Staff Chair Norma Jun-Tai
Interpreter:@Chika Matsudaira

  • It was interesting to hear all practices of medical nursery nurses, CLS and HPS. I think all professions have the same goal and purposes: the well-beings of sick children.
  • I learned the difficulties of working as a multi-disciplinary team to support children and the importance of plays.
  • I think that this discussion took a first step to establish hospital plays in Japan by discussing with all three professions of CLS, HPS and nursery nurses. Thank you for providing this opportunity.
  • I learned that I am not the only one to have the same issues at work. I would like to try anything I can do in my hospital.
  • It was good to hear the different practices. I think hospital plays should be introduced for sick children.
  • I realized the importance of HPS when I heard that the anesthesia is not necessary for some procedures.

Workshop hPromoting Hospital Play in Japanh

red@National Association of Hospital Play Staff Chair Norma Jun-Tai

red@Stevenson College HPS Course Tutor Frances Barbour

red@Interpreter:@Chika Matsudaira

  • I recognized that UK cherishes all children and that HPS take valuable roles to support all needs of sick children. I wish introducing plays to Japanese hospitals to decrease childrenfs anxieties.
  • It was easy to follow and I would like to learn more about HPS.
  • I would like to try distraction at my work also.
  • I understood how UK supports all children. I will change my ideas towards sick children.
  • I learned the importance on explaining children at their levels and considering the different needs of each child.
  • I now believe that having and knowing professional role boundaries is important to work in a multi-disciplinary team.
  • I think that puppets are effective tools to provide safe nursing care.
  • It was interesting to see pictures and actual tools HPS use.

>> TOP

Granted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology