It is a great opportunity to learn by tutors from UK, here in Japan. All tutors are splendid and each word from the tutors touched my heart. The class atmosphere was so welcoming that I didnft hesitate to speaking up. I had worries if I could finish this course, but my anxieties diminished and I had wished the course would have never ended.
Please see yourself how HPS truly thinks about children first.
Please do your best.
Even though you might have difficult time because it is re-educating program, please keep in mind that others could finish it so you can finish this course, too.
The sessions by Norma and Frances are a lot of fun!
The sessions gave me a chance to reflect my beliefs and think about my career for future. Every session, including by Norma and Frances, was valuable to me. I also enjoyed the company of all students and learning together.
HPS is an essential profession for the pediatric healthcare in Japan. Letfs discuss on hospital plays for children together.
I had never studied this hard since graduating from Junior college. I now think that I should never satisfy my skills and knowledge and strive for developing further as HPS.
After finishing all sessions, which were much harder than expected, I realized that all of my career experiences could lead to future learning. This training could be a turning point. I managed to finish this challenging training course thanks to the support from University of Shizuoka Junior college. I would recommend on taking this challenge with this warm environment.
Granted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology