‚P What impressed you from this seminar & workshop?
- I learned the importance of gplayh.
- I feel more confident to inform my colleagues that gplay is important for sick childrenh.
- The important roles of HPS can be proved by childrenfs smiles.I was very touched.
- I sometimes feel stuck with what I do at my work but felt encouraged after listening to all presentations.
- I learned the clear professional goals and purposes of HPS.
- It was helpful to hear the practices of HPS in UK and Hong Kong as well as Japan.
- By listening to different practices in other countries, I realized that cultural differences should be taken into account and the importance on using the current resources.
- I have better understanding on distractions now.
- I think distractions and guided imagery could be useful for all medical treatments.
- It was practical to learn that simple breathing technique is beneficial for pain management.
- I learned the importance of normal plays as well as distraction and preparation.
- I learned that starting something new take a lot of time and energy.
- It was good to hear what HPS Japan have been offering even though it was hard to introduce new concepts to the hospitals.

@gThe situations and issues in Japanh Chika Matsudaira
(University of Shizuoka)

@Panel Discussion Part 1

@Yoko NakayamaiThe first cohort HPS Japan, Home visitsj

@Masako Ichikawa
iThe second cohort HPS Japan, Working with children with special needsj

‚Q What should be changed for the next seminar & workshop?
- I wish that printouts of the presentations were prepared.
- There were lots of unfamiliar terms (distraction, preparation, HPS, CLS) so there should be simple explanations.
- I wish I could hear more practices in UK.
- The first panel discussion went rather quickly.
- I wish I could learn more about NPHC.
- Because NPHC have researched on hospital environment and architecture, I would like to hear what they think about HPS.

@Kyoko Tanaka
iPediatrician at Juntendo University Hospital, HPSj

@Panel Discussion Part 2

‚R What would you like to learn more?
- I would like to learn more about guided imagery.
- What would happen to HPS training project after the grant will be terminated.
- The education and HPS practices in Hong Kong.
- The background and reasons of founding NGO in Hong Kong.
- The history of HPS.
- Different play techniques to meet individual and developmental needs.
- The practical skills on distraction and preparations.
- The reasons of taking HPS Japan course.
- The qualification of HPS Japan. How will it be developed for future? Any other courses to learn more about HPS?
- I have been working in pediatrics as a nursery nurse over 20 years. The roles of nursery nurses are different in each hospital. I would like to learn how my work can connect to HPS roles.

@Management and Assessment of Pain: A Non-Pharmacological Approachh
Frances Barbour

Norma Jun-Tai (NAHPS chair),

4DAny opinions, impressions, and questions.
- I learned a lot from this seminar and workshop.
- I felt encouraged and more confident. Thank you.
- It was a great opportunity to learn about Hospital Plays. I hope there will be more seminars like this one.
- I thought it would be great to have one HPS in every hospital in Japan.
- I would like to suggest more than gsimple white furnitureh when I design it.
- I would like to learn more about the child-friendly hospital environment.
- It was encouraging to learn how HPS have active roles.
- I wish there were some opportunities to discuss with HPS, CLS and nursery nurses.
- I would like to tell others that play is important for all children.
- If possible, I would like to take HPS Japan course. I will always keep in mind to reflect what is best for sick children.
- I felt encouraged by seeing that many people from all over Japan gathered in Tokyo. I strong felt that I need to have the first step and continuous effort for the bright future of pediatrics in Japan.
- I was trained that a nurse should pay attention to any changes of sick children.When I heard in the presentation that HPS should be the first one to notice a change in sick children, I felt a little uncomfortable.I realized this feeling discourages the team approach.
- Every time I participate in forums of NPHC, I feel that NPHC offers a great opportunity for all professions to discuss how to support sick children. I truly hope that there will be more and more practitioners and public recognition.

Kunihiko Kawamura (Director of University of Shizuoka Junior College)